Gowanus – A just rezoning

The Gowanus Canal is New York City’s first designated superfund site and has an inherent history of pollution and neglect. Remediation is finally underway and the neighborhood is poised for the largest scale rezoning in NYC in decades.

350BK is an active member of the Gowanus Neighborhood Coalition for Justice working to ensure environmental justice during the rezoning and for the future in the neighborhood. In this initiative we are working with allied organizations and individuals to create the Gowanus Zoning Commitment Task Force, to hold developers and the city accountable to the community.

350BK plays an important role in GNCJ, attending monthly meetings, serving on the communications and strategy committee and the task force creation committee. 350BK is proud to work with GNCJ to further environmental justice in Brooklyn.

At the moment, while GNCJ organizes the new task force for overseeing the rezoning, we are not on-boarding new members of this Committee.

To preserve the clean up of the canal and ensure environmental justice, the coalition has devised a list of demands of the city in relation to the rezoning of Gowanus neighborhood. You can read about them and sign the petition to support them here.