Tell Cuomo to Say No to Port Ambrose and Yes to Offshore Wind!, 11/12, 5:30-6:30pm

Governor Cuomo is hosting a political fundraiser–and we’re going to rally outside the event, urging him to veto the Port Ambrose LNG facility!

Port Ambrose is a liquefied natural gas port proposed for off our coast. The project threatens our health, safety, and environment.

Port Ambrose presents a public health threat, with explosive gas risking thousands of lives. It threatens our beaches, ocean ecology, and tourism & fishing industries. It would maintain our reliance on dirty fossil fuels while blocking a wind energy project proposed for the same location.

Fortunately, Cuomo has the authority to stop this dangerous proposal–and on November 12, we’re going to call on him to protect New Yorkers by doing so!

Harvard Club of New York, 35 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036

Sponsoring organizations: No LNG Coalition, Food & Water Watch, NYPIRG, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Sane Energy Project, United for Action, Clean Ocean Action, Surfrider Foundation (NYC Chapter), Environmental Action, NY/NJ Baykeeper, 350Brooklyn, Green Education & Legal Fund, 350NYC, People’s Climate Movement, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter

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