Climate Wednesdays February 12

Climate Wednesdays on Feb 12: Our Bodies our Planet
What is the impact of the climate crisis on our bodies? Fossil fuels already affect the health of New Yorkers, with some communities suffering far greater harm than others. As we fight warming temperatures, pollution and natural disasters, can we use this moment to create a healthier city for all?

“Our Bodies, Our Planet: Public Health and the Climate Crisis,” will be followed by “We Will Be Moving Shortly: Away from Fossil-Fueled Transportation” on March 18 and “Green Collar Jobs: Making a Living, Forging a Better World” on April 15.

The series will conclude on May 20 with “Natural Allies: Working with Nature to Fight Climate Change.” All programs begin at 7 pm. More information will follow in upcoming newsletters.

Meanwhile, you can also go here to learn more.