Green Living - Community Gardens

Community Gardens help our environment, strengthen community bonds and comfort the soul. In cities like New York City green infrastructure like gardens are critical both to slowing down the climate crisis and building resilience to it.  There are community gardens all over Brooklyn–go support them during open hours or create your own!

The non-profit GrowNY has been helping New Yorkers build gardens big and small for decades.  A map of their gardens is here.

The Brooklyn Queens Land Trust has been in the forefront of defending open space in these two boroughs from the forces of development for decades.  The Trust owns 35 gardens that cannot be sold or developed.  See where they are here. 

The Brooklyn Alliance of Neighborhood Gardens (BANG) is a cooperating group of small gardens here in Brooklyn that promotes community and outreach to surrounding communities.  They feature some of their events here. 

The NYC Parks Department’s Green Thumb program has a network of community gardens that offer tours, apprenticeships, and many other events

Want to start a garden?   The NYC Parks Department Green Thumb program  offers support to get you started. 

Lastly, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden offers support for community gardens with a focus on sustainable practices.

More Green Living..


Clothing and footwear often goes unrecognized as a consequential source of greenhouse gas emissions. Yet in our world of fast fashion and global production networks, thoughtful approaches to buying and maintaining our clothing can impact demand and work to mitigate climate impact.


Composting is one of the most important ways we can accomplish a Zero Waste agenda. It is a way of recycling, conserving resources, reducing pollution, and creating a sustainable way of life for you and your family.


Food accounts for 10-30% of a household’s carbon footprint. Shifting towards less meat-intensive diets and seeking out locally grown foods can ease the pressures that food choice exerts on climate and boost your local economy.

Home Energy

Home Energy use is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. In New York City, two-thirds of our entire carbon footprint is attributable to the use of energy in buildings. Reducing the use of energy in apartments and homes will go far to reduce this burden.

New York trees need you!

While 350Bk focuses on the kinds of structural changes that will slow down and then halt global warming, nevertheless we also need to respond to the immediate impacts of a changing climate as they develop. In October 0.01 inches of rain fell in New York City, the lowest recorded monthly rainfall ever. Drought is now […]

Plastics-Free / Zero Waste

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Recycling is the next step after reducing consumption and reusing what we can. In this article we’ll revisit why recycling is so important, key recycling information, where your recycling goes in Brooklyn, and what happens after.

Reducing Single-Use Plastics in Makeup and Clothing

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Reducing Single-Use Plastics in the Bathroom

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Reducing Single-Use Plastics in the Kitchen

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