2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history. Yet momentum is growing to stop this climate change crisis. Political and religious leaders are beginning to get the message that people like you have been voicing for years. We are carrying this momentum to the global gathering of governments at the Paris climate change talks, and beyond. We are organizing events across the world in November and December, and, in order to make them beautiful and powerful, we need everyone to work together. The workshop will help us build energy, learn how movements build momentum, and lay out 350’s plans to “Power Through Paris,” including how we’re planning now to escalate after the Paris climate talks, regardless of their outcome. 350Brooklyn has already been working hard to build momentum for a strong climate agreement in Paris and beyond. Come join us in planning how to take Brooklyn into a low-carbon, clean-energy future!
Tuesday, October 6th, St. Lydia’s Church Space in Gowanus, 304 Bond Street, starting at 7pm (this is the second of two workshop sessions, each of which will be covering the same material; there was a lot of demand for this incredible workshop!)
© 2020 350Brooklyn
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