Public Forum at BRIC 5/17

Climate Change: Whose Story?
A Provocative Public Forum at BRIC ARTS

THURSDAY MAY 17, 2018, 7:30 – 9:00 PM EDT

BRIC, 647 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY

Stories shape how we understand the world, our place in it, and our ability to change it. While it is broadly understood the crisis of climate change threatens human civilization, demand for government action lags far behind. Who is telling the story of climate change and how does it shape our response? What stories lead people to action?

A panel of leading figures in communications, journalism, politics, and activism will discuss the frameworks, strategies, and challenges in communicating the urgency of climate change. Featuring:

  • David Fenton, Leading PR Executive
  • Jabari Brisport, Activist & Former Candidate, GreenParty
  • Yessenia Funes, Environmental Justice Reporter, Earther
  • Lindsay Meiman, US Communications Coordinator,

You won’t want to miss this important event!   Admission is FREE

Photo: Alec Perkins