Climate Chat: Resources to Keep the Conversation Going

December 14, 2021

How do you want to approach climate activism? Whether you have one hour a month or a few hours a day, you can make a difference.

Groups Working on Climate Issues Across Brooklyn & NYC


“350Brooklyn works on federal, state, and local legislation and policy; pressures financial institutions to stop funding fossil fuels; campaigns against single-use plastics; and promotes awareness of solutions to the climate crisis. We need marchers, writers, artists, researchers, fundraisers, organizers, speakers, your concern, your skills and abilities, your passion and commitment.” Sign up here for more information. Or look here for simple actions you can take today.

350Brooklyn Families

“350Brooklyn Families is a place where we can come together and push for the cultural, societal and political changes we need to succeed in passing on a livable planet to our kids. Together we can give a voice to Brooklyn parents who are concerned about the climate crisis as well as create opportunities for children to get involved in climate activism.”

Solar One

For homeowners: Barrio Solar works to bring affordable solar power to working families in Brooklyn. Participating homeowners are eligible for free solar feasibility studies and discounted solar prices and incentives.

For renters: Community solar provides options for renters in New York City. Learn how to save money by joining a community solar project with Solar One’s Community Solar Info Hub.

No North Brooklyn Pipeline

“Our goal is to stop the pipeline project endangering Brooklyn’s backyards.” No North Brooklyn Pipeline is working to end fossil fuels in Brooklyn and pushing the state to mandate investment in affordable, renewable energy for all.

Sane Energy

“Sane Energy is committed to replacing fracked gas infrastructure with community-led, sustainable energy.” The group formed in 2011 to oppose the first fracked gas pipelines entering New York as the fracking boom got under way in Pennsylvania. Sane Energy was part of the coalition that defeated the Williams fracked gas Pipeline—which would have run along the NY shorelines—and is currently playing a leading role in organizing against the North Brooklyn fracked gas pipeline.

Extinction Rebellion NYC

“Extinction Rebellion is a global nonviolent movement to compel the world’s governments to address the climate and ecological emergency.” The group uses nonviolent direct action to demand net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2025.

Sunrise Movement NYC

“Sunrise Movement is a group of powerful young people fighting for a Green New Deal. We’re college students, protestors, artists, progressive tie-wearers, freelancers, teachers, singers, cookie bakers, basement dwellers, subway riders, civically-engaged middle schoolers, GIF junkies, club fanatics, hikers, and generally just young New Yorkers joining together to advance and achieve intersectional climate justice solutions for the most vibrant city in our country.”

In the Neighborhoods

Gowanus Canal Conservancy

“Gowanus Canal Conservancy advocates and cares for ecologically sustainable parks and public spaces in the Gowanus lowlands while empowering a community of stewards.”

UPROSE Sunset Park

A community-based organization, UPROSE promotes sustainability and resiliency in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park neighborhood.

Bay Ridge Environmental Group

“We are a group of current and former Bay Ridge residents who engage in advocacy and volunteer work to advance sustainability, environmental justice, and climate change solutions in our community and elsewhere.”

Climate & Mental Health Resources

The All We Can Save Project

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson, is an anthology of writing by women on many different dimensions of the climate crisis and climate activism. The project, which uses the book as a starting point, offers “resources for working with climate emotions.” Find it here.

Climate Psychiatry Alliance

A resource for people looking for a climate-aware therapist.

Gen Dread: a newsletter about staying sane in the climate crisis

Dr. Britt Wray, who studies the links between climate change and mental health, shares strategies for coping with eco-distress, including but not restricted to activism.

Good Grief Network

Inspired by the Alcoholics Anonymous model, GGN is useful for folks who are looking for peer support groups to recognize and talk through their climate emotions.