July 22: Where to Next? Fossil-Free Transportation in a Pandemic and Beyond
350Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Public Library’s Central Branch at Grand Army Plaza will host a three-part summer 2020 online series, Climate Wednesdays: Solutions for a Cooler Brooklyn. The first of these will focus on transportation, which is the # 2 source of greenhouse gas emissions in New York City. We have the nation’s most extensive subway system and the slowest bus service. With the Covid-19 pandemic comes a new set of mass transit woes. But bicycling is surging, and a whole slew of New Yorkers are avoiding the commute altogether as they check into work via Zoom. How can we get our troubled public transit system back on track and headed where we need to go in a climate-friendly way?
All events will take place from 7:00-8:30 pm on Zoom.
To register, go to: https://www.bklynlibrary.org/event-series/climate-wednesdays
Upcoming Climate Wednesdays Events
August 26—Natural Allies: Working with Nature to Combat Climate Change
September 16—Green Collar Jobs: Making a Living, Forging a Better World
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