In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis a month ago, a nationwide movement demanding an end to racist and deadly police practices has exploded on the streets of this country. The call to Defund the Police is being heard everywhere.
Here in NYC, the specific call is to cut at least $1 billion from the NY Police Department’s nearly $6 billion budget, and invest that money in low-income, under-resourced communities of color around the city . (Learn more here)  350Brooklyn supports an initiative developed by the Peoples Climate Movement-NY that calls upon the climate community to take action.
With the June 30 deadline for passing the NYC budget quickly approaching, is the time to make sure City Hall hears from us! Organizations that are part of the climate justice movement are jointly calling on climate activists to participate in a citywide call-in day today, Thursday, June 25th.
Join the effort to dramatically cut the budget of the NYPD and use those resources for vital programs in Black and Brown communities. Let City Hall know that the climate movement stands firmly in support of this demand.
© 2020 350Brooklyn