Next Meeting – May 14

Next General Meeting: The Covid Pandemic and the Fossil Fuel Economy

Thursday, May 14, 7:30 PM
Web:  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 3937 1344
Password: 586165
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Sheltering in place, working and learning at home: with so many people staying put, oil markets are in free fall. What does it mean for the climate, and for the climate movement? At 350Brooklyn’s monthly meeting, former NYS first deputy comptroller and Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEAF) finance director Tom Sanzillo will share insights about the future of fossil fuels, the repercussions for renewables, and the oil and gas industry’s grab for federal bailout money (see “IEEFA Update: Federal lending to the oil and gas sector would be a complete waste of money,” Sanzillo has 30 years of experience in public and private finance, including his work at the IEEFA, which studies  issues related to energy markets, trends and policies. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a diverse, sustainable and profitable energy economy. Bring your questions on this key topic.