“Protect What You Love/Climate Justice Now” at the Statue of Liberty, 12/12, 9:30am

Travel with us to the Statue of Liberty and be part of “Road Through Paris“ events happening all over the world.

As the COP21 climate talks conclude, join “Protect What You Love/ Climate Justice Now” on the morning of Saturday, December 12, 2015 on Liberty Island. Our presence at the Statue of Liberty will send a message to world leaders that we stand resolved to protect all we hold dear from the threat of catastrophic climate change. As the embodiment of our freedom and liberty, a gift from France as an expression of solidarity with our democratic values, a safe harbor for refugees, and a symbol of hope for people seeking a better life, the Statue of Liberty provides an ideal backdrop for our urgent message.

• We will come dressed wearing green* (your own coat, sweater or t-shirt over warm layers) to signify our unified call for climate justice and a swift transition to renewable energy.
• We will take a group photo in front of the Statue of Liberty.
• We’ll share our selfies using: #ProtectWhatYouLove and #ClimateJusticeNow hashtags and invite our friends to do the same from their most beloved locations.

Note: This event will not include speeches, signs or any activities that can be construed as a rally or demonstration. Banners and signs are NOT allowed on Liberty Island.

At a press conference (1:00 pm in Battery Park, NYC) we will have an opportunity to spell out the consequences of climate change and to articulate our responses to whatever comes out during the COP21 Climate Negotiations.

TICKET RESERVATIONS & PAYMENT HERE: https://cop21-at-liberty-island.eventbrite.com. Your actual ticket will be delivered to you prior to the event or available from a 350 local group rep at your departure point.

• There will be two departure points: Battery Park, New York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City. Make sure you order the right ticket!
• Departure time: 10:00 a.m. Arrive at 9:15 a.m. (Finish by about 1pm) • Tickets cost $14 (Senior) and $18 (Adult) plus EventBrite administrative fee.Note: We are not “reselling” the tickets for profit- this is not a fundraiser.
• If you would need a subsidized ticket(s), please sign up on the “waitlist” in the Eventbrite system, url above. Free tickets will be given in the order of the online list as we are able to raise funds to cover the cost.
• If you are able to make a donation towards the cost of providing free tickets for those who need them please go to Eventbrite. Thank you and see you on December 12th!

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