Sign up for our March meeting where we will ask the question: "How might we achieve a green and just recovery for New York City?" Panelists include Costa Constantinides, Maritza Silva-Farrell, and Thaddeus Pawlowski.
READ MOREJoin us on Saturday, February 13, as we lead a parade of resisters to the proposed Gowanus fracked gas power plant. We’ll meet at the Thomas Greene Park in Gowanus at 2 pm. We will then march at a leisurely pace to accommodate families and kids through the Gowanus neighborhood – one of the neighborhoods […]
READ MORESign up for our January meeting where we will hear about the prospects for serious climate legislation at the Federal level. We are excited to host Michael Burger, the Executive Director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School.
READ MOREWelcome to week 1 of going carbon free. Our challenge this week is to go car free for the entire week! We know most of you New Yorkers don’t have a car, so you’re already living a more carbon free life than the rest of the country— good job! We are lucky to live in a city that has great public transportation, but in the midst of the pandemic, you may be using a car more than usual. This week, instead of taking an uber or taxi, let’s pedal, walk or float on our merry way to becoming a fully sustainable city!
READ MOREAll year, climate activists march, lobby, write letters, make phone calls, and do whatever we think will lead to the big systemic change needed to counter the climate crisis. But as January nears, and we are making our new year’s resolutions, we wanted to look more deeply at our own personal choices.
READ MORE350Brooklyn December Meeting (Public) Power to the People! Thursday December 10, 7:30 pm Come learn about the campaign for Public Power! The public power campaign seeks to get public utilities under public control. Instead of for-profit corporations further enriching themselves off of climate-destroying fossil fuels, the campaign aims to create a publicly-owned democratically-run utility with […]
READ MORENovember Monthly Meeting Thursday November 12, 2020, 7:30 pm Help draft 350Brooklyn’s blueprint for 2021 at our November monthly meeting. We’ll hear updates from all of our campaigns and committees and brainstorm how to keep moving forward. Learn more about our fight against a fossil-fueled peaker plant in Sunset Park, our campaigns for a Renewable […]
READ MORE350Brooklyn Monthly Meeting Thursday October 8th, 7:30pm Renewing New York: The Work Ahead NY Renews, a statewide coalition of over 230 organizations, is in the forefront of innovative state-level climate legislation. 350Brooklyn is a proud member of this coalition, which pushed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) over the finish line in Albany […]
READ MOREGreen Collar Jobs: Making a Living, Forging a Better World September 16th, 2020 Take action New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), adopted in 2019, set the stage for a just transition to a fossil-free economy in our state. It will take more work on many fronts to make this a reality, including […]
READ MORESeptember Monthly Meeting Thursday September 10, 2020, 7:30 pm While the hour is late, our September meeting will focus on several ways you can still work to get out the vote and push candidates to be stronger climate champions. We will hear from Jenny Marienau, campaign manager at 350 Action and from Saad Amer, founder […]
READ MOREIf you still want to protest, and march, and yell for climate action but don’t want to risk in-person events… send us your shoes! We are planning a SHOE STRIKE on August 29th, as part of a global action calling for strong climate action and in particular a demand for climate justice for the most […]
READ MOREFor the final week of our Plastic Free July Challenge, we’re focusing on making our own products. To get recipes for tooth powder, deodorant and more, please join our Plastic-free Facebook group. Your efforts don’t have to end in July— let’s all keep being plastic free for the sea! P.S. Post a pic and tag […]
READ MOREThursday August 13, 6pm “Microplastic Madness” film screening Sign up via Zoom Join 350 Brooklyn on August 13th for a virtual screening of the award winning and inspiring documentary, “Microplastic Madness“. In lieu of our general meeting we will screen the film at 6 pm EST, followed by a 7:30 pm EST Q&A with Producer/Director […]
READ MOREFor week 4 of our Plastic Free July Challenge, we’re encouraging people to switch to naked products that don’t have plastic packaging. Share your recipes and resources for “going naked” in our Facbeook group and sign up for the final week of our Plastic Free July Challenge here. P.S. Post a pic and tag us […]
READ MOREJuly 22: Where to Next? Fossil-Free Transportation in a Pandemic and Beyond 350Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Public Library’s Central Branch at Grand Army Plaza will host a three-part summer 2020 online series, Climate Wednesdays: Solutions for a Cooler Brooklyn. The first of these will focus on transportation, which is the # 2 source of greenhouse […]
READ MOREFor week 3 of our Plastic Free July Challenge, we’re encouraging people to use plastic-free storage and cleaning products. Share your recipes for cleaning products and resources for plastic free containers in our Facebook group. Sign up for our Plastic Free July Challenge here. P.S. Post a pic and tag us @350Brooklyn on FB or […]
READ MOREJuly Monthly Meeting Thursday July 9, 2020, 7:30 pm Our July meeting couldn’t be more timely. An insightful panel of speakers, including Marl Winston Griffith of the Brooklyn Movement Center and Dominique Thomas of, will offer their thought on the intersection of climate justice, activism, and white supremacy. A Q&A session will follow. Please […]
READ MOREFor week 2 of our Plastic Free July Challenge, we’re encouraging people to leave the plastic out of their grocery carts. For tips and resources sign up for our 350 Brooklyn Plastic Free July Challenge here. P.S. Post a pic and tag us @350 Brooklyn on FB or IG and use #plasticfreejuly350BK to be entered […]
READ MOREFor week 1 of our Plastic Free July Challenge, we’re encouraging people to BYOX – bring your own everything! For tips and resources, particularly during Covid-19, sign up for our 350 Brooklyn Plastic Free July Challenge here. P.S. Post a pic and tag us @350 Brooklyn on FB or IG and use #plasticfreejuly350BK to be […]
READ MORE350Brooklyn Monthly Meeting June 11, 2020, 7:30 pm Online Event Join our monthly meeting for updates on campaigns, upcoming actions and to listen to two different perspectives on the relationship between Covid-19 and Climate Change. Climate journalist Yessenia Funes, senior staff writer at Earther@Gizmodo, will discuss how the coronavirus pandemic offers a rare opportunity […]
READ MORENext General Meeting: The Covid Pandemic and the Fossil Fuel Economy Thursday, May 14, 7:30 PM Web: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 3937 1344 Password: 586165 One tap mobile +16468769923,,82739371344#,,1#,586165# US (New York) +13017158592,,82739371344#,,1#,586165# US (Germantown) Sheltering in place, working and learning at home: with so many people staying put, oil markets are in […]
READ MORECalling all pipeline fighters! Join us in a virtual rally to stop the Williams pipeline this upcoming Monday, May 4 from 12PM to 1PM. With special guest Bill McKibben! New York State will make a decision on whether to approve the pipeline by May 17, 2020. So, we want to urge Governor Cuomo and the Department […]
READ MOREWebinar on Heat Pumps for Small Building Owners Tuesday May 5th, 2020, 6:30 – 8:00pm Click here to register 350Brooklyn is pleased to invite you to a webinar for owners or managers of small buildings, whether homes, coops, rentals, or commercial. When the Covid-19 crisis eases, we will still be faced with the slower-moving crisis […]
READ MORENext Meeting: Thursday, April 9, 7:30 PM *DUE TO CORONAVIRUS, WE WILL NOT BE MEETING AT THE COMMONS CAFE* Instead, Join via Zoom Video – RSVP to to get Zoom link
READ MORENext Meeting: Thursday, March 12, 7:30 PM *DUE TO CORONAVIRUS, WE WILL NOT BE MEETING AT THE COMMONS CAFE*Instead, Join via Zoom Video Conferencing Or use one tap mobile +19292056099,,528143036# US (New York)
READ MORE© 2020 350Brooklyn