Category Event

Williams Campaign Rally March 24

The Williams Campaign is Baaaack As many 350Brooklyners well know, in 2017 the Williams energy company of Tulsa, Oklahoma proposed to lay a fracked gas under the waters off Staten Island, Brooklyn, and the Rockaways. While New York State denied Williams a key permit last May, Williams immediately reapplied.  NYS’s next (and hopefully final) decision […]


Chase Divestment Action 2/25


Next Meeting – February 13

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 13, 7:30 PM Brooklyn Commons 388 Atlantic Avenue (Boerum Hill)


Climate Wednesdays February 12

Climate Wednesdays on Feb 12: Our Bodies our Planet What is the impact of the climate crisis on our bodies? Fossil fuels already affect the health of New Yorkers, with some communities suffering far greater harm than others. As we fight warming temperatures, pollution and natural disasters, can we use this moment to create a […]


Renewable Rikers

On January 27th members of 350BK’s City Action Sub-committee will join with Just Leadership USA (JLUSA), NYLPI, NYJA and other groups to deliver testimony in support of the Renewable Rikers act. The Act is a trio of bills that would clear the way for the conversion of up to 400+ acres of newly available land […]


Stop The Money Pipeline Campaign

350Brooklyn joins a national campaign to target fossil fuel financiers: More than 20 organizations in 20 cities are focusing on Chase, BlackRock, Wells Fargo and Liberty Mutual.  The recent decision by BlackRock to divest from coal and prioritize sustainability shows we (and their endless search for profits) can force their hand, as they see the […]


Next Meeting – January 9

Next Meeting:  Thursday, January 9th, 7:30 – 9:30pm Brooklyn Commons 388 Atlantic Avenue (Boerum Hill) Planning for 2020. Make this the year you deepen your commitment to taking action on the climate! 350Brooklyn’s January monthly meeting will review the status of our campaigns, and together we will plan for the New Year.  Your skills, ideas, […]


Climate Wednesdays Dec. 11: Green New Meal

Green New Meal: The Food-Climate Connection Wednesday December 11th, 7:00pm to 8.30pm Commons Lab at Brooklyn’s Central Library Come join us and our panelists for our 4th Climate Wednesday! This time, let’s have a chat about what’s on our plate. More info: What impact does what we eat have on the climate? How has […]


Next Meeting – December 12

Next Meeting:  Thursday, December 12 at 7:30pm Brooklyn Commons 588 Atlantic Avenue (Boerum Hill) Art! Music! Activism!  “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” — Emma Goldman The climate movement needs more than science and statistics. We also need a vision, a soul, and a song. At our December […]


Next Meeting – November 14

Next Meeting: Thursday, November 14, 7:30 PM Brooklyn Commons 588 Atlantic Avenue (Boerum Hill) Come join 350Brooklyn’s monthly meeting as we discuss “Publicly Owned Utilities: What’s the Future for New York State?” Renewable energy is critical to solving the climate crisis.  Are private companies like Con Ed and National Grid up to the challenge? Come […]


350Brooklyn’s Holiday Hootenanny for the Planet

Join us for a Holiday Hootenanny for the Planet on Tuesday, December 10th at the legendary Sunny’s Bar in Red Hook. We’ll celebrate the gains made this year and raise money to support future initiatives. The event will feature live music from luminaries of New York City’s folk and old-time music scenes, including M Shanghai […]


Green New Deal Town Hall Nov. 7th

Tuesday, November 7th at 6:30 pm Restoration Plaza, 1360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, 5th Floor Come hear about how the Green New Deal will address issues of health, jobs, and housing.  Congressman Hakeem Jeffries—the only Brooklyn Congressional Representative who has yet to sign on—has been invited to hear how the Green New Deal will be a […]


Climate Smart Energy

Climate Smart Energy: Heating, Cooling and Turning the Lights On Brooklyn Public Library, October 16, 2019 ACTIONS AND RESOURCES Meeting New York State’s Climate Goals New York State’s climate goals require a 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2030 and an 85 percent reduction by 2050. To meet these goals, […]


Climate Wednesdays Fall 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Eva Welchman PHONE: 646-258-2373 EMAIL: 350BROOKLYN AND BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY ANNOUNCE CLIMATE WEDNESDAYS MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL SERIES TO ENGAGE CITIZENS IN ACCESSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THE CLIMATE CRISIS   Brooklyn, New York, August 19, 2019 — 350Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Public Library’s Central Branch at Grand Army Plaza will host Climate Wednesdays: […]


The Big Green Picture: Local Strategies for a Livable World 

Actions and Resources   Federal Legislation: The Green New Deal Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Senator Ed Markey’s Green New Deal (GND) bill (House Resolution 109 and Senate Resolution 59) calls for a 10-year mobilization to address climate change in all economic sectors. The entire Brooklyn congressional delegation has endorsed the GND, except for Rep. […]


Climate Wednesdays Starting September 18th

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Eva Welchman PHONE: 646-258-2373 EMAIL:   350BROOKLYN AND BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY ANNOUNCE CLIMATE WEDNESDAYS MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL SERIES TO ENGAGE CITIZENS IN ACCESSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THE CLIMATE CRISIS    Brooklyn, New York, August 19, 2019 — 350Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Public Library’s Central Branch at Grand Army Plaza will host Climate […]


Next Meeting – September 12

September Monthly Meeting: Special Guest Speaker, NY City Council Environmental Attorney Samara Swanston Thursday, September 12 at 7:30pm Brooklyn Commons 588 Atlantic Avenue (Boerum Hill) Samara Swanston has been engaged in environmental law for more than twenty-five years, and is the Legislative Attorney for the Environmental Committee of the City Council that passed outstanding, landmark legislation […]


Annual August Gathering 8/8

Thursday August 8th, 7:30pm 350Brooklyn Annual August Gathering Der Stammkneipe, 710 Fulton Street, Ft. Greene Brooklyn – Map Come Join Us for a Drink and Some Conversation! In August, 350Brooklyn’s monthly meeting goes on hiatus. But that doesn’t mean that your second-Thursday-of-the-month needs to be empty! Come by Der Stammkneipe, a beer garden in Fort […]


Next Meeting – July 11th

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 11th, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue


Next Meeting – June 13th

Next Meeting: Thursday, June 13th, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue This is something you don’t want to miss. Margaret Klein Salamon, founder the director of The Climate Mobilization, will discuss the paradigm shift that is taking place in the climate movement—out with “gradualism,” in with “emergency mode”—and how the Green New Deal, school […]


Next Meeting – March 14th

Next Meeting: Thursday, March 14th, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue Join us for the March 350BK monthly meeting for updates on our several ongoing campaigns and to learn about Congestion Pricing — a strategy that cities are using worldwide to fund the improvement of mass transportation and cut vehicle traffic and emissions, but […]


Next Meeting – February 7th

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 7th, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue 2019 Climate Action: Sign Up! What are the keys to a successful campaign? (with ALIGN Organizer Brett Thomason)


Next Meeting – January 10

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 10th, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue


Next Meeting – November 8

Next Meeting: Thursday, November 8, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue Join us for our November monthly meeting featuring an exciting election recap with the forces behind so many progressive candidates, speakers from Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America.


Next Meeting – October 11

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 11, 7:30 pm Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue Save the date for our next general meeting.  We’ll talk about what’s going on with 350Brooklyn and hear from Patrick Robbins from the Energy Democracy Alliance. Details to follow about the program.  Come early to get a beverage and a nosh and mingle […]